Getting you upgraded to Control4 OS3
Automation - April, 2020

Control4’s feature rich OS3 operating system is a must have upgrade for anybody already using Control4 as their home automation system. Just on looks alone it is a game changer with sleek, modern graphics and customizable home screens with favorites you can set and change yourself.
Most importantly, Control4 OS3 gives you access to the Neeo remote. I shall give you a minute to drool over this video…
… good isn’t it! Now how do we get one into your hands without actually having to visit your house?
OS3 Requirements
The good news is that while some hardware has had to be made end-of-line, popular processors like the HC800 didn’t and continue to provide a fine basis for an OS3 installation. SR250 and SR260 remote controls are all still compatible, but I’m afraid if you have the older style touchscreens (pre 2016) these are going to need upgrading to the newer Android based T3 range. But don’t despair, we are offering a 15% discount on any Control4 hardware bought to get you up to OS3 compliance. The better news is we can extend that discount to anything else you get from Control4 at the same time!
Contact Us now and we will be able to log in to your system remotely, carry out a hardware scan, and provide you a report of what needs to be done.
OS3 Hardware Upgrades
Now if our hardware report tells us we need to carry out a lot of hardware upgrades to get you OS3 compatible we may just have to take a raincheck for now. Touchscreen replacements, while still using the same backboxes that are currently plastered into your walls, do require a little bit of handiness changing over the power box inside that backbox before clicking the new screen into place. Swapping out processors could be more tricky if they have a lot of devices plugged into them. We will have to discuss these on a case by case basis.
If our hardware report tells us your system is already compatible, then congratulations! Let’s take it to the next level.
OS3 Taking it to the next level
With the hardware compatibility test passed the next thing we need to do is log into your system and go through all the programming. We need to pick out any drivers that have become obsolete over time or any schedules or lighting scenes that have been created using older software versions and replace them with newer bits of code. This may take a few hours, can certainly be done remotely, but ultimately will need a little bit of time to then go around and test those changes that have been made and make sure it was done well. Once that’s done, we press the UPGRADE button!
OS3 Customising my experience
Now it’s time dive right in and start making OS3 your own. The first thing I advise to do is grab your phone, download the new Control4 for OS3 app, and take a walk around your house taking photograph of every single room. These photographs will become the wallpapers for the rooms in your OS3 devices – phones, tablets, touchscreens. So my tip here is to keep it very simple, but clearly a picture of that room. Take a moody closeup of a feature wall finish. Or of a large painting in that room. Maybe the patterned bedsheets or curtains or the grain in the wooden floor. We will get online with you using video conferencing and talk you through all this
OS3 now sit back and enjoy
The music player is totally new in OS3. If you have outdoor speakers with the current warm weather we are having get outside with your phone and a glass of wine and rediscover your music collection!! If you don’t have outdoor speakers, you know who to call…